Easy Tips to attract Hummingbirds to The Garden

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How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard?

attract Hummingbirds to The Garden

Hummingbirds are defined as the garden’s “winged jewels.” The first time I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird hovering by my coral honeysuckle vine, I was captivated. Its iridescent green feathers glimmered in the morning light, and the rapid blur of its wings filled the air with a distinctive hum. This moment inspired me to focus my garden design on creating spaces that attract these remarkable birds.

Hummingbirds offer beauty and serve as vital pollinators, adding life to outdoor spaces. This article offers practical strategies to transform your garden into a hummingbird haven, whether you want to attract local residents or migrating visitors.

Understanding Hummingbird Preferences

Color Matters

Hummingbirds have excellent color vision and are particularly attracted to vibrant colors – especially red, orange, and purple. This preference isn’t just aesthetic; these colors often signal natural nectar-rich flowers. While many commercial feeders feature red components for this reason, the birds themselves are drawn to any bright, tubular flowers regardless of color.

Timing Your Efforts

Most hummingbirds feed during daylight hours, with peak activity typically occurring in the early morning and late afternoon. You’re unlikely to spot them at dusk or after dark, so plan your observation time accordingly. For spring migration in most North American regions, begin preparing your garden in April to catch the early arrivals.

Creating the Perfect Hummingbird Habitat

Plant Selection: The Foundation of Attraction

How to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard

Selecting the right plants is the most sustainable and effective way to attract hummingbirds. Here are some top performers:

Early Spring Bloomers

  • Bleeding Heart (Dicentra): These charming heart-shaped blooms appear in April and May, providing early-season nectar.
  • Columbine (Aquilegia): With their unique spurred flowers that hold nectar, columbines are a spring staple for migrating hummingbirds.
  • Lupine: These tall, colorful spikes begin blooming from the bottom up, creating a long-lasting nectar source.

Summer Favorites

  • Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis): A North American native with brilliant red tubular flowers that hummingbirds find irresistible.
  • Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens): This native vine produces multiple bloom cycles throughout the season and is a proven hummingbird magnet.
  • Bee Balm (Monarda): These showy blooms attract multiple pollinators and come in various colors that hummingbirds love.
  • Salvias and Sages: Nearly unrivaled in nectar production, different varieties can provide blooms from spring through fall.

For Shade Gardens

  • Coral Bells (Heuchera): Though often grown for their colorful foliage, their small, dangling flowers are surprisingly attractive to hummingbirds.
  • Fuchsia: The pendant blooms of fuchsia varieties (especially those with tubular shapes) work well in hanging baskets or containers in shaded areas.
  • Hostas: Their lily-like flower spikes can draw hummingbirds to shady spots.

Creating Multiple Feeding Zones

Hummingbirds, particularly males, are territorial and will aggressively defend feeding areas. To accommodate multiple birds:

  1. Plant nectar sources in different areas of your garden, preferably without a direct line of sight between them.
  2. If using hummingbird feeders, place them at opposite ends of your property to reduce territorial conflicts.
  3. Create “feeding circuits” with plants blooming in sequence to encourage birds to move throughout your garden.

Supplemental Feeding: Hummingbird Feeders

While natural nectar sources are ideal, feeders can supplement your garden’s offerings and make it easier to observe these fascinating birds.

Feeder Selection and Placement

  • Choose feeders that are easy to clean and refill
  • Red feeders may be more visible to hummingbirds, but the solution inside doesn’t need coloring
  • Place feeders in a location visible from inside your home for easy viewing
  • Position feeders near trees or shrubs that can provide perching spots
  • Hang feeders at different heights to accommodate different species’ preferences

Nectar Solution Recipe

  1. Mix one part white granulated sugar with four parts water (e.g., 1 cup sugar to 4 cups water)
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil to fully dissolve the sugar and kill any bacteria
  3. Allow the solution to cool completely before filling feeders
  4. Never use honey, artificial sweeteners, or red food coloring, which can be harmful to hummingbirds

Maintenance Schedule

  • In hot weather (80°F+), change the nectar every 2-3 days
  • In milder weather, change it every 4-5 days
  • Clean feeders thoroughly with each refill using hot water and a bottle brush
  • Avoid using soap when cleaning, as residue can harm the birds

Beyond Food: Creating a Complete Habitat

Water Features

Hummingbirds enjoy bathing and will appreciate moving water sources:

  • Misters or fine sprays create ideal bathing opportunities
  • Shallow bird baths with bubbling features can attract them
  • Drip systems that create gentle water movement are also effective

Safe Sheltering

Creating a safe environment is crucial for attracting and keeping hummingbirds:

  • Minimize pesticide use, as hummingbirds feed their young insects for protein
  • Provide nesting materials like soft plant fibers and spider silk
  • Include small trees and shrubs for perching and nesting sites
  • Reduce outdoor lighting at night, which can disrupt bird development

Predator Management

Hummingbirds are vulnerable to various predators:

  • Limit areas where cats can hide near feeding zones
  • Be aware of other potential threats like larger birds (orioles, ravens, grackles)
  • Position feeders and plantings where birds have clear escape routes

Nesting Places

Hummingbirds build cup-shaped nests in trees and shrubs, often opting for daring locations like wires and clotheslines. To attract them, create a yard with sheltered areas of native plants and provide nesting materials such as fine cotton and animal fur. Spider silk, prized for its elasticity, is essential for female hummers as they use it to secure their nests.

Seasonal Considerations

Spring Preparation

To attract the first wave of migrating hummingbirds:

  • Put feeders out by mid-April in most regions
  • Plant early bloomers like azaleas, columbine, and bleeding heart
  • Consider “instant gardens” with nursery plants in bloom if your perennials aren’t flowering yet

Summer Maintenance

During peak season:

  • Deadhead flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming
  • Monitor feeders more frequently in hot weather
  • Provide additional water sources during dry periods

Fall Migration Support

To help hummingbirds prepare for migration:

  • Maintain feeders until at least two weeks after your last hummingbird sighting
  • Plant late-blooming species to provide natural food sources
  • Keep nectar concentrations consistent (don’t increase sugar content)


Creating a hummingbird-friendly garden is both rewarding and environmentally beneficial. Planting native nectar sources, providing supplemental feeding, ensuring water access, and creating safe spaces will attract Hummingbirds and support their population health.

Investing in suitable plants and features has rewarded me with countless breathtaking moments as these agile birds perform their routines just outside my window. Start with a few elements from this guide and watch how quickly hummingbirds respond. Each year, add more features to enhance your garden’s appeal and deepen your connection to these remarkable creatures.

Lauren is a freelance designer, writer, and content developer who enjoys watching wild birds in her leisure time. She also focuses on improving her garden and balconies to create a safe haven for them.

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