How to make bird toys out of household items: Guide

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There are lots of great bird toys that you can buy for your feathered friend. When you go to buy those toys, it will cost you a lot. Also, if your bird chews too much, it will destroy the toys very quickly. But we’re here to help you reduce the cost of supplying your pet’s toys. You will be able to make a great toy for your bird with some household items. These toys will provide your bird with fun playtime. It will relieve the bird of physical and mental exhaustion. Therefore, how to make bird toys out of household items.

How to make bird toys out of household items?

  • Usually, pets are dear friends to the owner, so they should give all kinds of happiness and joy to their friend. It is great to give your bird toys so that they do not get anxious and scared and spend an annoying time. Here are some reasons to make your bird toy:
  • You will become dear to your bird, and it will love you. So decorate their habitat with toys or playable items that will improve their physical and mental health.
  • Make sure you use Bird’s Safe Materials. Because toys from different companies are not safe for birds.
  • You can save money because expensive toys are easily destroyed by birds.
  • You can use and increase art and craft skills.
  • This will keep your bird away from annoying times.

Household items

You can easily find household items to make toys for your birds. The household items needed to make a toy for the birds are:

A4 paper: This paper is very effective in making your pet happy. Hang a few pieces of this paper in the birdcage as it can delight your bird.

You can also make a variety of homemade toys with this paper with your art skills.

Old books and old phone books: You can spread the pages of old yellow books or pages of books that you will no longer read in the birdcage.

Cable ties: Cable ties are very strong and durable, so they do not break easily. So you can tie something to the birdcage, which encourages your bird.

Cards: You can make holes in the cards and hang them in the cage. You can even keep the cards in different shapes to keep your bird busy.

Curtain rings This will be great as a homemade toy for your bird as these will make your bird chew.

Egg carton: Egg cartons are very effective for entertaining your bird while playing.

The homemade item for homemade toys

Wooden spools

With a wooden spool, you can easily create fun and exciting toys for your bird. It is completely safe for them. Some owners use spools as foot toys when their birds play outside the cage. Also, if you are creative, then through your creativity, you can make different types of toys for your bird using a wooden spool.

Poker chips

Poker chips will be great for birds because they can play like balls. They can also be attached to ropes as hanging toys. Also, it’s great as a foot toy. It can keep the bird busy. Because the birds will pick it up, they will spin it, they will fly in the sky, and they will chew it. But since it is very thin, you need to supervise when your bird is playing with it. Seedlings that have strong chewing habits of birds can choke it. So if the bird cuts the chips into small pieces, replace them with a new one. But before choosing it, make sure that the toy has no sharp edges. However, you can use it as a foot toy and a hanging toy.


The bird loves chomping flowers, so giving flowers to your bird would be a great toy. And for that, you can use flowers in your garden. But if you use store flowers, you must wash them thoroughly as they may contain preservatives and pesticides.

Homemade Swing

You can easily make a swing with the handle of a broom to entertain your bird. You will need a rope, a chain, or a plastic chain for this.

Make a great swing by removing the inner tube of the tire. It can entertain your bird as it likes to sway.

Types of Bird Toys

Many types of toys can make your bird happy. If you have a bird, you can give them a variety of toys to encourage your bird. The toys include:

  • Ladders
  • Rope
  • Swing
  • Chewing or chopping 
  • Bird’s nest toys.
  • Items with random sounds.
  • Exercise toys
  • A wheel spinning toy
  • Simple puzzle
  • Knots and tassels that they will open.

Toy-shy bird

Some birds are not familiar with toys, especially baby birds. So when baby birds see a strange kind of toy, they get scared. So give your bird time to get acquainted with the toy.

Keep a toy in the bird’s eye view while it is in the cage. Just wait and see your bird’s body language. He will look at it when the toy is near. Take the toy gently to him every day. Then one day the bird will take the toy, but you don’t have to hurry at all.

Play with toys to increase your bird’s attraction to toys. Show him the toy when your bird is in your hand.

Your phobic bird may take more than two days to pick up a toy, but be patient; your bird will be very happy and will not spend a boring time.

Final Word

Toys play a very important role if you want to keep your bird excited and active at all times. But if you can’t immediately afford a toy that is out of your budget, then you can provide homemade toys for your bird. You can easily prepare a great toy for your bird with household items that will keep your bird busy.

Lauren is a freelance designer, writer, and content developer who enjoys watching wild birds in her leisure time. She also focuses on improving her garden and balconies to create a safe haven for them.

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