7 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Magpies in Your Garden

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Every spring, backyard birders struggle with the same issue: magpies taking over bird feeders, scattering seed everywhere, and scaring off the smaller songbirds they hoped to attract. This year, I wanted to be prepared. It’s hard to keep magpies away from the garden because they are intelligent and extremely alert. Also, They steal other songbirds’ food and dominate them.

After a lot of research, I curated several humane and effective ways to deter these intelligent but troublesome birds while still creating a welcoming space for other feathered visitors.

Understanding Magpie Behavior

Magpies are remarkably intelligent members of the corvid family. Before attempting to deter them, it helps to understand what attracts them to your garden:

  • Food sources, especially easy meals like exposed bird seed, vegetables
  • Shiny objects that trigger their natural curiosity
  • Safe nesting spots and shelter
  • Open feeding areas where they can easily land and take off

How do I keep magpies out of my bird feeders?

Magpie-Proof Your Bird Feeders

The key to attracting smaller birds while deterring magpies lies in clever feeder selection and placement. Also, Keep clean the ground of the feeder. Otherwise, It encourages magpies and blackbirds to visit your yard.

Choose Magpie-Resistant Feeders: Opt for feeders with small perches, cages, or weight-activated mechanisms that close when heavier birds land. So, You can adjust the weight according to the magpies. Tube feeders with short perches work well for small songbirds but are difficult for larger magpies to use. In my opinion, Squirrel buster plus from Amazon could be the best option for your garden.

Adjust Feeder Placement: Hang feeders under overhangs or near dense shrubs. Magpies prefer open spaces where they can easily spot predators, while smaller birds will happily dart in and out of cover to reach food.

Offer Seeds Selectively: Magpies typically prefer larger seeds and nuts. Fill your feeders with nyjer seeds, small millet, or finely crushed sunflower hearts that appeal to smaller birds but are less attractive to magpies.

Create a Magpie-Deterrent Garden Environment

With thoughtful planning, your garden can naturally discourage magpies:

Plant Strategic Vegetation: Incorporate plants with strong aromas like lavender, rosemary, and thyme, which magpies tend to avoid. Additionally, prickly plants like holly bushes can create barriers around feeding areas.

Remove Attractants: Keep your garden tidy by removing fallen fruit, securing trash bins, and cleaning up spillage beneath bird feeders daily. Magpies are opportunistic feeders who love an easy meal.

Limit Open Spaces: Create a garden with varied heights and densities of vegetation. Magpies prefer wide, open areas, while many smaller birds thrive in more complex, layered habitats.

Humane Deterrent Methods

When persistent magpies require more active discouragement, try these humane solutions:

Predator Decoys

Magpies instinctively avoid their natural predators. Setting up realistic replicas of these predators can be highly effective.

Owl Decoys: Magpies are naturally wary of owls. A plastic owl scarecrow with a rotating head adds movement that keeps magpies from becoming accustomed to the decoy.

Eagle Decoys: Plastic bald eagle decoys positioned in visible locations can deter magpies from entering your garden space.

Tips for Using Predator Decoys Effectively:

  • Move your decoys to different locations every few days, as magpies are intelligent and will realize stationary decoys aren’t a threat
  • Choose decoys with realistic features and, if possible, movement capabilities
  • Position decoys in prominent, visible locations where magpies would normally feed or perch

Visual Deterrents

Unlike static scarecrows or shiny objects that magpies quickly learn to ignore, moving deterrents remain effective. Try:

  • Reflective bird tape that moves in the breeze
  • Old CDs or Metal Bird Scare Discs hung on strings that spin and flash in the sunlight
  • Wind socks or small flags that move unpredictably

Sound Deterrents

Magpies are cautious birds that respond to unexpected noises:

  • Wind chimes positioned near feeding stations
  • A small radio playing at varied intervals
  • Ultrasonic bird repellent devices (ensure they won’t affect desired birds)

Timing Your Feedings: Fill feeders during times when smaller birds are most active but magpies are less present, typically early morning and late afternoon.

Working With Nature, Not Against It

Remember that magpies are protected under wildlife laws in many regions, making it illegal to harm them or disturb their nests during breeding season. Instead of viewing them as enemies, consider:

Creating Distraction Feeding Stations: Set up a separate feeding area with larger seeds or nuts specifically for magpies, located away from your main bird feeding zone.

Appreciating Their Benefits: Magpies consume many garden pests and help clean up carrion, playing an important ecological role.

Observing Their Behavior: By understanding your local magpies’ habits and routines, you can time your garden activities and bird feeding to minimize conflict.


Creating a garden that welcomes small birds while gently discouraging magpies requires patience and creativity. You can achieve a balance that works for all through a combination of strategic feeder selection, thoughtful garden design, and humane deterrents. Consistency is key – magpies are intelligent and will test your deterrents regularly.

Have you tried any of these methods in your garden? Share your experiences or ask questions in the comments below. Happy bird watching!

Lauren is a freelance designer, writer, and content developer who enjoys watching wild birds in her leisure time. She also focuses on improving her garden and balconies to create a safe haven for them.

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