How to Attach a Slinky to Bird Feeder Pole to Keep Squirrels Away

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Bird feeders attract birds, but pesky squirrels often steal the food. People use many ways to keep them away from feeders, from squirrel-proof feeders to deterrents. Attaching a slinky to the feeder pole can keep the squirrels away and help the birds get more food. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use a simple and effective solution: attaching a slinky to your bird feeder pole. Let’s keep those squirrels away from bird feeders.

How to Attach a Slinky to Bird Feeder Pole

Why Squirrels Target Bird Feeders

Squirrels are resourceful and persistent creatures. They can leap great distances (up to 10 feet!) and climb various surfaces. Their keen sense of smell leads them straight to bird feeders.

  1. Food Source: Bird feeders contain seeds, nuts, and other food items that are appealing to squirrels and birds. Squirrels are opportunistic feeders and will exploit any available food source.
  2. Easy Access: Many bird feeders are designed with open trays or platforms, making it easy for squirrels to access the food. Additionally, squirrels are agile climbers and can easily reach feeders that are hung from trees or poles.
  3. Instinctive Behavior: Squirrels have a natural instinct to hoard food for future consumption. They may see bird feeders as a convenient source of food that they can collect and store for later.
  4. Competition with Birds: Squirrels and birds often compete for food in the wild. If bird feeders are not squirrel-proof, squirrels will take advantage of the easy access to food, sometimes depleting the resources before birds have a chance to feed.

To mitigate squirrel activity at bird feeders, people often employ various strategies such as using squirrel-proof feeders, placing feeders in locations difficult for squirrels to access, or using deterrents such as baffles or repellents. In this article, we will explore a common and effective method of using slinky to deter birds from bird feeder poles. We will provide a detailed guide on how to attach a slinky to a bird feeder pole and offer information about using a slinky on bird feeder poles.

How does a Slinky work on a bird feeder?

The slinky is used to keep squirrels out of the bird feeder, and the mechanism is simple. Think of the slinky as a spring. After installing it on the pole of the bird feeder, when squirrels try to climb up to reach the bird feed, they encounter the slinky or the spring. Due to gravity, as they reach the slinky, their body weight pulls the spring down, causing them to fall back to the ground.

To make this method foolproof, you need to use a specialized slinky spring that effectively keeps them away from the feeder pole.

Why use a slinky on a feeder pole?

Feeder poles can help reduce squirrels’ presence in bird feeders, but squirrels are quite resourceful and can still climb the pole to access bird food. To prevent this, you can use a slinky. If your feeder pole is made of wood or metal, it’s easy for squirrels to climb, so using a slinky in those cases is also necessary.

Recommendation for best slinky for bird feeder pole

Metal Squirrel Baffle for Bird Feeders

3PCS Metal Squirrel Slinky for Bird Feeders

I highly recommend Lezobang’s Squirrel Spring Coil Guard to anyone dealing with squirrel-related issues with their bird feeders. It is highly elastic, can be extended up to 19.68 feet long, and has a diameter of 2.3 inches, making it suitable for most poles.

Adjustable Garden Hanging Holder for Bird Feeders

COCONUT Shepherds Hook

Attach a slinky to the top and bottom of a shepherd’s hook; when squirrels try to climb up, the slinky’s slippery coils prevent them from reaching the feeder. This inexpensive and simple solution effectively deters squirrels while adding a fun twist to your bird feeding setup.

How To Attach a Slinky To Your Bird Feeder Pole

A feeder pole with an easy hook point makes the attachment process effortless. If it lacks a hook point, some creativity is needed.

Before attaching a slinky, you need to consider the squirrel’s weight. Typically, an adult grey squirrel weighs around 400g to 600g. Therefore, securing the slinky is important to ensure it can support the weight of adult squirrels. Otherwise, it may fall off, giving the squirrels an opportunity to access the bird seeds.

Now, follow the below step-by-step guide to attach a slinky to your bird feeder pole:

  1. Feed the pole through the middle of the slinky:
    • Choose a sturdy slinky that can withstand outdoor conditions.
    • Ensure the metal slinky is long enough to cover at least half the length of the pole.
  2. Secure the slinky at the top:
    • As most poles do not come with a secure system to hold the slinky, you need to use Plan B. You must put the slinky on top of the pole and curb parts. Use zip ties or strong wire to prevent it from slipping off.
    • Make sure it’s taut but not overly tight.
  3. Trim any excess slinky length:
    • If the slinky touches the ground, remove the excess part. The slinky must be at least 1 meter above the ground to allow squirrels to play and get tired.

Below, you can watch a YouTube video to get an excellent idea of how to Attach a Slinky properly.

Additional tips for attaching a slinky to the pole

  1. Check compatibility with Different Feeder Poles. Wooden or metal poles are easy for squirrels to climb. Use a slinky with these poles for effective squirrel deterrence.
  2. Copper piping or PVC poles are more challenging for squirrels to ascend. Consider switching to these materials if you’re constantly battling squirrel invasions.
  3. Do not allow the slinky to hang all the way to the ground; keep a distance of at least 2 feet from the ground.
  4. You should relocate the feeder pool if it is near a tree branch or an area accessible to squirrels.

Here is another YouTube video for Funny Squirrel going up the Slinky.

Additional tips to keep squirrels away

Strategic Feeder Placement

Avoid placing feeders too close to trees or fences. Squirrels can jump or climb across ropes and wires, so it’s important to maintain a safe distance to prevent easy access. Consider the jump distance and proximity to buildings since squirrels are agile and can leap from nearby structures.

Baffles: Your Squirrel-Repelling Umbrella

Install a baffle at the top of the feeder. Baffles are cone-shaped or domed devices that tip squirrels off when they land on them. You can also use baffles under hanging feeders in your backyard.

Greasing the Pole

Apply grease to the pole. Slippery surfaces hinder squirrel climbing. Reapply regularly. Use in combination with Slinky.

Does the slinky harm the squirrel?

Slinky is the easiest way to keep squirrels away from bird poles without harming them. The slinky just put back squirrel in the ground while they are trying to climb in the slinky without through or catching them. Another proof is when the squirrel attempts over and over to cross the slinky. If it is harmful to them, they will surely avoid it after the first attempt.

While you plan to feed birds in your backyard, several things can create obstacles. Among them, squirrel raiding in bird feeders is so common. People use several methods to get rid of them. Now, you know, one of the easiest ways is attaching a slinky. I hope you now know how to attach a slinky to a bird feeder pole perfectly, even on a deck feeder pole, in a perfect way.

Lauren is a freelance designer, writer, and content developer who enjoys watching wild birds in her leisure time. She also focuses on improving her garden and balconies to create a safe haven for them.

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