I hope you are here because you are a pet bird owner. Plus, you want to provide better comfort for your parrot, conure, or lovebirds. So, you want to use natural tree branches as perches for them.
The article will help you know whether you can use tree branches in birdcages and if so, I will explain the easiest method.
Can I put tree branches in my bird cage?
Yes, you can use tree branches in your birdcage. It is one of the best ways to provide perches for the bird as long as the branches are from non-toxic trees. In addition, natural tree branches provide them a natural vibe as they usually come from such wild environments.
How to put tree branches in a bird cage?
Here is a step-by-step process, how you can easily put natural tree branches in a birdcage to provide them better comfort.
Select the non-toxic branches
When you are thinking about providing non-toxic tree branches, you should always look for non-toxic trees to avoid any damage to your pet bird. Also, you need to have enough knowledge about tree identification.
If you are having a hard time identifying a tree, you can check out this article, which will help you identify a tree using an app by capturing the tree’s leaf.
Perfect size tree branches
After you find the non-toxic tree, you should select the perfect size and shape tree branch that easily fits in the birdcage. Plus, pick one which has enough ability to keep the bird’s weight. Also, you should select one they can chew for a long time as they love it.
Preparing process: tree to cage
Step 1: First, cut a perfect size tree branch according to your birdcage size and bird weight. Then, a bucket or tub with water and a quart of bleach is added.
You can use vinegar to wash off bugs and mold initially. Then, put the tree branch into the solution and soak it until the bark starts to pull away.
Now, remove it from the water solution and leave it for around half an hour to soak. Next, put the tree branch into the water for another half an hour. Then, dry it using a face cloth.
Step 2: If you use bleach, then avoid the step. This step is necessary if you only use vinegar to clean the branch.
You should bake it for around 1 to 2 hours in over to 200 degrees. It will kill anything left which might harm the bird.
Step 3: After washing the tree branch, you should go through a second cleaning process by placing it under the sunlight. It will kill bacteria and sanitize the property. Plus, the sunlight will help to eliminate left-out bleach residue. You should keep the tree branch under the sunlight for several days.
Yes, know you are ready to use the natural tree branch in your favorite pet birdcage.
What branches can you put in a bird cage?
Here is a list of bird-safe trees you can use for your birds.
Trees Name | Trees Name | Trees Name | Tree Name |
Acacia | Birch | Crabapple | Fir |
Apple | Beech | Crape Myrtle | Ginkgo |
Ailanthus | Bottle Brush | Dogwood | Grape Vines |
Almond | Butterfly Bush | Douglas Fir | Grape Palm |
Aralia | Camellia | Dracaena | Guava |
Ash | Citrus Trees ( Lime, Kumquat, Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon) | Elm | Hackberry |
Aspen | Cork | Escallonia | Hibiscus |
Bamboo | Corn Plants | Eucalyptus | Hawthorn |
Barberry | Cottonwood | Fig | Hickory |
Ironwood | Jade Plant | Kalanchoe | Larch |
Lilac | Madrona | Magnolia | Maple |
Manzanita | Mesquite | Mimosa | Mountain Ash |
Mulberry | Nandina | Norfolk Island Pine | Nut Trees (avoid Chestnut) |
Orange | Oregon Grape | Palm | Papaya |
Pear | Pecan | Pine | Photinia |
Poplar | Pussy Willow | Raphiolepsis | Ribbonwood |
Rose | Rubber Plant | Russian Olive | Sassafras |
Silk Tree | Spiraea | Spruce | Staghorn Sumac |
Strawberry Tree | Sweet Gum | Sycamore | Thurlow |
Tree Fern | Viburnum | Vine Maple | Weeping Willow |
Weigela | Yucca |
What branches should you avoid putting in a birdcage?
You should avoid using the below woods in a birdcage.
Trees Name | Trees Name | Trees Name | Tree Name |
Apricot | Burdock | Elderberry | Jasmine |
Arrowhead Vine | Cacao | Euonymus | Juniper |
Australian Flame Tree | Cannabis | Euphorbia | Kalmia |
Australian Umbrella Tree | Cedar | Felt Plant | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Avacado | Chalice | Flame Tree | Lantana |
Azalea | Chinese Magnolia | Firethorn | Laurel |
Baneberry | Chinese Popcorn/snake tree | Golden Chain Tree | Leucothoe |
Beans | Common Sage | Crown Of Thorns | Lupine |
Black Locust | Coriander | Heaths | Mexican Breadfruit |
Box Elder | Cilantro | Hemlock | Mock Orange |
Boxwood | Datura | Honey Locust | Tobacco |
Buckthorn | Daphne | Horse Chestnut | Mountain Laurel |
Bracken Fern | Dieffenbachia | Hydrangea | Nectarine |
Source of the woods list: https://birdscoo.com/care/natural-tree-branches-for-bird-cages